Need Workspace?



Tired of working from your apartment and taking meetings at the coffee shop down the street? A civics revolution needs a proper headquarters. We provide the infrastructure so you can direct your funding to where it matters most -- the field. Welcome home. 


Need Funding?



Is your awesome new idea just a financial boost away from revolutionizing the civics space? Know a grassroots team that has been rocking it for years and is hungry for resources to take it to the next level? We are always looking for inspired individuals and talented groups that we can empower.

Join Our Community



Have a unique talent that you are dying to share in the name of a better democracy? Tell us! Graphic designers with mad art skills, lawyers looking to fill some sweet pro-bono time, and college interns hype for gaining activist street cred are just three examples of how you can help expand our impact. 


Support CEF



Can't just drop everything in your busy schedule? Good news! You can still be a super important part of our team. Your financial support is critical to making our mission a success. If you are eager to help empower voters with more information, more choices, and more access -- no pressure! -- please join the movement and donate today.